
Have I told you how much I love beetroot?? My favourite colour happens to be purple so aesthetically it’s very appealing to me, it can be sweet, complex or earthy depending on how you prepare it and it stains your fingers pink when you work with it.

And don’t even get me started on the nutritional punch this powerhouse vegie packs – a rich source of manganese, potassium, and copper, dietary fibre, magnesium, phosphorus, vitamin C, iron, and vitamin B6 – it’s thought to have beneficial effects on eye health, nerve tissue,  certain cancers, heart disease, birth defects and more!  Beets are also a unique source of phytonutrients called belatins which have been found to have antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, detoxification properties.

The list goes on.  If you’re interested, you can read more here.

So without further ado, presenting some of my favourite things to do with beetroot…

Beetroot & Black Tahini Hummus

Holy crap, if you like beetroot and you like hummus, you’re gonna LOVE this variation!  This is my new most favourite dip EVER!!

Roast beetroot, chickpeas, black tahini, garlic, a little lemon juice, a little olive oil, seasoning, whiz it all up, and boom – deliciousness!

Yummy as a dip with fresh vegies or crackers ( I actually used roast beetroot as a dipper ‘cos that’s how much I love beetroot), also awesome as a spread to spruce up a sandwich or wrap.


NB: I typically throw things in as I go and don’t use measurements, sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t.  If you would like a more detailed recipe and instructions, this recipe is based off this one.

Grated Beetroot

I love keeping a stash of raw grated beetroot in the fridge during the summer time for a wonderful colourful addition to salads!

Use The Stems & Leaves!

I’m a fan of using EVERY part of the vegetable wherever possible.  Beetroot leaves are delicious chopped finely into a salad or sautéed with your other favourite vegies, and they’re a great source of lutein which has been shown to play an important role in eye health.  Those stems can also be sautéed too and added to your favourite dish!

Fun Fitness Fact

Some studies have shown beet juice to increase oxygen uptake by up to 16% due to their high nitrate content – that’s more than a normal person can improve even when training extensively!